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What people have said about WinSU...


"If you are running SU carbs you really need this product, it’s that simple! 10 out of 10!"

David, UK


"Brilliant value for money, I would recommend this to anyone playing with Minis!"

Peter, UK


"Thank you for developing such a useful tool. This program makes sense out of pages and pages of data in the SU needle book!"

Tom, USA


"Cool! I've got the right needle for my engine spec now and it's running *so* much better!"

Kevin, UK


"I just used WinSU and it gave me the correct bhp for what I am running! How good is that!"

Matt, UK


"I like WinSU, very nice, and so easy to use! Well done!"

Paul, UK

"Excellent software! Just tested it and it gave an estimated BHP for my engine the same as what I got from the dyno!"

Sebastian, Finland


"Thank you for WinSU, it is very useful and is sending much power to my mini and saving me fuel."

Roland, Netherlands


"A great piece of software - saved me hours of work!"

David, UK


"Just downloaded the latest version of WinSU, it's brilliant!"

Ryan, UK


"It’s a nice program. For my mini it was very helpful!"

Mark, Netherlands


"Your program is a brilliant piece of software! It has been very helpful and has taught me a lot."

Jon, Australia


"Many thanks! What a great little piece of software!"

Stephen, UK


"It's a wonderful program. Keep up the good work, it's quite a resource."

John, Denmark


"I tried out the WinSU program and it is the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

MiniMania website user

"Thank you very very much for this fine piece of software! I shall recommend WinSU to all my car-tinkering friends!"

Gary, UK

WinSU is used by the following tuning experts...

Four Ashes Garage
Reborn Carbs
Mini Parts Chile
Hitech Motorsport
Northampton Motorsport
Green Spark Plug Co.

Contact : sales @ winsu . co . uk

WinSU application and associated files written by Scott Beavis © Copyright 2019

Produced with kind permission of Burlen Fuel Systems Ltd, owners of the SU ® registered trademark.

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